Dr. Christopher Davis is a triple board certified physician, founder and CEO of the Reveal Vitality Clinic. He is driven by a commitment to continuous learning and being at the forefront of medical advancements. He is dedicated to helping individuals achieve optimal health through innovative approaches rooted in both science-based practices and holistic principles. His passion is to integrate his medical practice with regenerative and innovative approaches that goes beyond simply treating symptoms. Dr. Davis offers his patients a comprehensive and personalized treatment experience by utilizing cutting-edge functional diagnostic tools, and body and mind medicine practices to uncover why his clients feel the way they feel. As an advocate for the power of lifestyle medicine, Dr. Davis believes in empowering his patients to take an active role in their own well-being. 

With a deep understanding of both conventional medicine and energy medicine modalities, Dr. Davis embraces a collaborative approach by working closely with AwareHouse’s trauma informed practitioners team to customize care plans addressing underlying imbalances within the body and mind that lead to the disease process. He prioritizes his patients’ emotional and mental wellbeing while working on their comprehensive medical care. 

Dr.Davis is the founder and CEO of the Reveal Vitality Clinic, a busy Functional Medicine Practice in Downtown Sarasota. 

You can see him at AwareHouse on a regular basis during his educational lectures, group coaching programs and executing his tailored vitality protocols.