About Jo Trinidad


Joaly Trinidad, best known and referred to as Jo, is a Queens native with a Dominican heritage strongly rooted in Taino and African history. She is a service-oriented leader, artist, and therapist whose passions led her to create ARTeSANA. An energy worker with a fine radar for subtle frequencies. She sources her connection from nature as a means of communicating her practice.

​As a graduate from New York University with a master's in Bilingual Counseling, Jo offers mindfulness-based practices, yoga, sound therapy, plant and animal medicine to individuals. She is most passionate about mental health, generational trauma, women’s empowerment, and the development of individuals and families who seek guidance and leadership.


Biofield Tuning

Using medical grade tuning forks and harmonic resonance healing to normalize imbalances in the body and restore the human energy field to its true frequencies

Tune in to your energetic essence through a Biofield Tuning session, as the art of sound combines with a shamanic voyage into your electric field, regathering your light body (biophotons), ushering profound relaxation, delivering profound insights, alleviating stress, and restoring equilibrium to your being.

Sound Therapy

Immerse yourself in a harmonious journey, bathing your cells in the transformative frequencies of Alchemy crystal and Tibetan sound bowls, gongs, shamanic drumming, shakers, and chimes. This symphony of alchemy creates a holistic experience, enriching your body and soul with the healing power of sound.


Embark on a somatically nourishing yin and vinyasa yoga practice designed to help you reconnect with your body's wisdom, cultivating a sense of balance and vitality that resonates far beyond the mat.


Dive into a transformative journey of Breathwork, where the fusion of somatic Breathwork and clarity Breathwork techniques converge to gently release mental and emotional blockages. Experience a profound shift towards enhanced clarity, holistic wellness, and a more harmonious alignment with your unique path of personal well-being.

Cacao Ceremony

Indulge a ceremonial grade delicious cacao elixir embarking you on a heart-opening cacao ceremony that awakens your senses and fosters connection, paving the way for a transformative sound experience that resonates deep within, guiding you towards harmony inner alignment.