ACMOS Bioenergetics Sessions

The ACMOS Method

The ACMOS Method is a scientifically based and clinically verified, non-invasive specialty therapy for the balancing of a patient’s energetic fields and to reestablish proper energetic signaling within the body. This ground-breaking unique approach combines the wisdom of ancient traditional medicine with the scientific discoveries of modern molecular biology and quantum physics. The influence of Chinese traditional medicine as well as decades of research in biophysics and bioenergetics culminated with the creation of the ACMOS Method as a ground-breaking and one-of-a-kind medical system.

Benefits of ACMOS Method

Clinical experience has shown that ACMOS method may be used for a number of conditions and issues and that the benefits include:

  • Strengths the body energetically allowing it to better cope with the diverse aggressions

  • Correction of disturbances within the body’s energy fields before they develop into symptomatic illness

  • Early detection of the presence of dysfunction that may well be invisible to traditional specialist imaging equipment

  • Effectively finds and neutralizes interference fields that would ordinarily affect patients on an ongoing basis


Each cell in our body vibrates at precise frequencies and exchanges information through the communication of these frequencies. This is a principle in Eastern medicine, in which qi energy flows through and around your body along pathways called meridians. With the ACMOS Method, a practitioner has the ability to use highly specialized scientific bioresonance techniques and instruments to detect and correct bioenergetic imbalances in the body with precision.

Like an antenna, our bodies resonate with frequencies around us. These frequencies can increase our vitality or weaken us. The goal is to keep our vital energy flowing, find and relieve blockages in our body meridians, protect our bodies from negative influences, and optimize cellular regenerative capacities. The ACMOS method is able to precisely register disturbances of the body on an energetic level. In the case of an anomaly or facing a tension or aggression, the body searches to reestablish its global balance by managing the circulation of energy in so-called ‘circuits’ or meridians. It does this by controlling the energy flow, by blocking it, by switching it off, or by slowing it down, or by accelerating the energetic currents blockage. These actions of defense by the body work at the level of the acupuncture points, where the comparison can be made to the way an electric circuit is able to fuse itself or operate an electrical cut out when it becomes overstressed, or has a fault develops. Thus when there is an aggression in a zone of resistance in the body, the acupuncture points respond with these points acting as veritable fuses in an electrical circuit. At each level (function, organ or region) the body alerts itself through its energetic circuitry. These alerts, if not promptly responded to and treated, cause pathological disturbances and eventually lesional dysfunctions.

The rigorous protocols developed within ACMOS energy balancing therapy utilizes a number of sophisticated instruments and devices, as well as an array of specific essential oils, herbs, homeopathics to release blockages in the bio-energetic system of the body.

ACMOS energy balancing is a highly systematic method that leaves nothing up to guesswork. Each patient is checked, measured, and scientifically calibrated so that both patient and practitioner are certain that energy pathways have been properly restored. Furthermore, this protocol often takes no more than 15 minutes to perform and patients begin feeling results almost immediately, and results are long-lasting. Physicians and practitioners utilize ACMOS Method in cases including neurological conditions, degenerative diseases, and psychosomatic illnesses, as well as a number of other chronic conditions. It may be easily administered to improve the effects of other common therapies and procedures.

ACMOS Bio-Feedback sessions with Oz will last about 90 min.