• Founder / True Wellness Center

    Kelly Kennedy's career in medicine started with a more allopathic approach but changed after experiencing several traumatic events that made her realize that good health is more than just taking medications and undergoing surgeries. While her foundation lies in a traditional biology degree from Cornell University, the past 27 years have seen her delve into alternative healing modalities. She has become trained and certified in BioRegulatory Medicine, massage therapy, Cranial Fascial Technique, and Lymphatic Enhancement. Most recently, she's been expanding her knowledge by studying to become a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner.

    Commonly referred to as the "lymph queen," Kelly is the mind behind the transformative F.L.O.W.E. Formula, an approach and technique that addresses and restores fascia, lymph, oxygen, water, and energy. She resides in Pennsylvania with her husband Ian and son Silas, seeing clients for the past 19 years at their clinic, The True Wellness Center. You can also find her talking with experts in the field on her podcast "FLOWE with Kelly Kennedy" or posting on instagram @truewellnessglobal and @kellywellnessgirl

  • Ian's exploration of alternative health and healing has spanned the past 30+ years, with studies in Traditional Chinese Medicine, muscle response testing, and European BioRegulatory Medicine. He co-founded The True Wellness Center with his wife Kelly Kennedy, where they assist people in achieving optimal health. As a member of the advisory board for the Bioregulatory Medicine Institute (B.R.M.I.), Ian shares his expertise at conferences and contributes to their newsletter. He specializes in emotional and energetic health, using modalities such as muscle response testing, emotional release technique, and bioresonance technology to help facilitate profound shifts in the clients he sees.