Flowpresso® is a systemic sensory therapy system that resets the body’s physiology to support healing and general health.


What is Flowpresso®?

It’s a breakthrough, non-invasive natural therapy that enhances overall health which delivers a 3-in-1 sensory treatment, comprising:

  • Compression

  • Thermodynamic heat

  • Deep Pressure

This unique combination of therapies releases toxins and puts the body into a ‘rest and restore’ state, working with our physiological processes to switch off fight or flight mechanisms, and facilitate healing and repair.

The suit

Ours is the only full-body suit available, covering the legs, abdomen, arms and torso for a systemic therapeutic experience.

There are 22 individual chambers that inflate sequentially – each activating before the previous chamber fully deflates to deliver cyclical and consistent pressure.

Other features include:

• Customisable pressure settings that can be applied to each chamber.

• Two separate pre-programmed modes (sports and relaxation).

• Different cycles that can deliver an individualised experience for each client.

• Velcro fasteners to ensure the suit is comfortable for people of all shapes and sizes.

• Thermotherapy that can be delivered separately to each of the four sections.

• Fibre carbon construction for durability and easy cleaning.

• A proprietary nano vibrational technology for improved energy flow.