
The NeuroChangeSolutions (NCS) program created by Dr. Joe Dispenza is the result of over 25 years of research on how the brain & body work, and the impact that our thoughts, beliefs, habits, behaviors and emotions have in our professional lives.

Whether you are a business professional, entrepreneur, corporation, organization, small business, school, hospital, nonprofit, or government agency, my goal is to bring the neuroscience of personal change to you, your team or organization.

Every year, numerous organizations around the world invest billions in new trainings which fail to produce the desired results. Why? The main reason is a misunderstanding of how to create sustainable change. Change requires altering neural pathways in the brain. Through the neuroplastic nature of our brains, we can effectively learn new ways to think, act, feel, and be in the world.

In order to create a new way of thinking – a new mindset – we need to learn new information. 

But just learning new information is not enough. By thinking and acting in different ways, new choices appear that we might have not acknowledged before. Through these new choices, we can then act and behave in new ways. This, in turn, creates new experiences. And the end product of any experience is an emotion. Therefore, in order to produce lasting change, we must engage our emotions, connecting new emotions with new experiences. The result? Through this process, we can step into a new future.


Change Your Mind… Create New Results


Change Your Mind… Creates New Results (CYM…CNR) is the unique business training developed by Dr. Joe Dispenza based on the neuroscience of change to enhance creativity, innovation, collaboration, resilience, productivity, and ultimately… happiness. The Change Your Mind…Create New Results program uses a dynamic combination of science, videos, individual and group activities, as well as practical exercises to help you rewire your brain and unlock the potential of your future self.

During the Change Your Mind… Create New Results program, you will:

  • Learn the science behind neuro leadership.

  • Identify a change you want to make in your personal/professional life.

  • Learn 2 models and 4 tools for change based on neuroscience.

  • Have a practical experience of the simple tools you can use in your daily life.

  • Learn about the “three brains” and their role in the process of change.

  • Discover how to shift from “living in survival” to “living in creation”.

  • Activate the neurological and biological process for change.

  • Apply these neuroscience principles to create personal change and become the best version of yourself.


The Change Your Mind… Create New Results program provides you with powerful knowledge, simple tools, and a practical experience that will help you:

  • Become aware of your self-limiting thoughts, behaviors, and emotions.

  • Unlock the power to choose who you truly want to be as a professional and in your personal life.

  • Create desirable, effective, and sustained changes in your life.

  • Empower you to become the best version of yourself, by experiencing:

    • Reduced levels of stress;

    • Improved goal clarity;

    • Enhanced creative skills;

    • Improved problem-solving and decision-making;

    • More resilience;

    • Higher productivity;

    • Enhanced team collaboration;

    • Higher motivation and engagement.


About Dr. Joe Dispenza 


Dr. Joe Dispenza is an international speaker, researcher, corporate consultant, and the author of 4 bestselling books.

He has spent the past 26 years studying how the brain works, and he developed teachings and models to help us understand how we can consciously use our brains to create desirable and sustained changes in our lives.

Dr. Joe Dispenza has given numerous workshops to leaders and companies interested in neuroscience to create lasting change and extraordinary results.

Over the last years, following a rigorous application and certification process, Dr. Joe Dispenza has personally trained and certified a team of NeuroChangeSolutions Consultants to teach his powerful model of transformation to innovative business professionals, leaders, and organizations.


About Steve Comer, Certified NCS Consultant

Over the last years, following a rigorous application and certification process, Dr. Joe Dispenza has personally trained a small global team certified as NeuroChangeSolutions Consultants to teach his powerful model of transformation to innovative business professionals, leaders, and organizations.

Steve had the honor to have been personally trained by Dr. Joe Dispenza in June 2022 and have become certified as NeuroChangeSolutions Consultant in November 2022.


Change Your Mind.. Create New Results Training Details


Actionable models and simple tools for change, practical exercises, and exclusive support material:

– Workbook written by Dr. Joe Dispenza.

– 30 Days to Genius Journal (optional).

– Audio files of all Dr. Joe Dispenza’s videos showed during the course.

– Audio files of two Dr. Joe Dispenza’s guided meditations for your personal use.


12-hour Online Workshop that can be delivered over 2, 3, 4 or 5 days.   Depending on the current restrictions, the program might also be delivered as a Face-to-Face Workshop over the course of 2 days.

– Optional 1 x 60-Minute Online Individual or Group Pre-Workshop Session to identify main course goals.

– Optional 4 x 90-Minute Online Group Follow-up Sessions (weekly) to support the full implementation of the program.


– Downloadable audio files of two Dr. Joe Dispenza’s guided meditations to support daily practices implementation, and habit building.

– Optional 30 Days to Genius Journal – a powerful guide for the 30 days following the completion of the course.

– Optional Weekly Online Group Follow-up Sessions to address any challenges, share successes and support the program goals achievement.

During our next retreat program, in addition to the CMYCNR Training, you will experience morning yoga, walking meditation on the beach, sound healing and biohaacking therapies included in the retreat price. 



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