Wellness Kitchen with



One’s medicine can be another’s poison. Labeling food or the nutrition methods as healthy or unhealthy is an unrealistic and outdated approach. Remember our judgements about food harm us more than the food itself.

Clean eating principle is not about having lists that tells you what to eat and not to eat. It is definitely not analyzing and judging what is on your plate because this mentality is created from scarcity.

Clean eating is a perspective. It means knowing your body well and make your choices consciously according to what works for you. It means eating seasonal and local foods and keeping the food that your body requires on your menu at all times. The cleanest food of all is the one you prepare in your own conscious kitchen with living foods, with love and care. 


We are what we eat and we eat what we are. Everything we feed ourselves with determines our life force, our vibration and our mind and body connection.

What we eat is not only the building block of our physical body but also effects our emotions, our thoughts, our clarity and our mood. If your foundation is strong what you build on it will be sustainable.

We are living in an era that our nutrition is way different than what it used to be originally centuries ago. Paralel to this minority of our population is maintaining a sustainable balanced state. We need to go back to basics if we want to live a lively life. The human body needs clean water, plant based foods that grows in mineral rich soil and sunlight. 

It is not easy to find food with such quality, yet when we find them if we don’t pay attention to how we preapare our meals we can destroy all the enzymes and minerals by cooking them in high tempretures.

In our conscious kitchen we prepare our food in a way that they are in the most bioavailable form so our body can benefit from them. We try to keep them alive so that they can contribute to our wellbeing and increase our life force. We sprout, we ferment, we dehydrate.We do not consider any processed, packaged product as food.  We keep our water clean.

We get inspired from nature’s natural recycling ways and we try not to waste any resources.

We learn how to nourish our senses.  We make sure that we have all the colors on our plate because every color nourishes different systems. We eat with pleasure. We glow and  use our kitchen to raise our vibration.

Don’t forget that the kitchen is the heart chakra of our home. 


Our food is not  only calories, it holds and carries information. Every bite we take is full of enzymes that tells our genes and our cells how to build and express themselves. It is important for us to start making the connection between what we eat and how we feel.

Food creates a chemistry in our body and this chemistry activates or not, some of our genes. Our genes are our building stones they wont ever change but they turn on and turn of depending on the physical, mental and emotional environment. The food we eat highly determines those environments.

In truth we start communication with our body with the food choices we make.


In my atelier classes you will learn to get to know your body more closely, become more aware of your eating habits, question your belief systems about what healthy or unhealthy food means to you and become more conscious of all your conditionings about what you eat and how you eat. During this workshop you will feel the need to reconsider your idea of nutrition and hopefully learn to truly nourish you and your body.

The target of this Atelier is to teach you the fundamentals of a Conscious Kitchen and how you can start implementing them in your daily life, to introduce you to various worldwide known innovative nutrition approaches, help you discover the superfoods that will nourish your cells,  food that will raise your vibration and energize you.