Solara Gem Crystal Fusion Light


Full Spectrum Light…

Mimicking the light of the sun, we use a full spectrum inchoherent, polychromatic light source (not a laser).

Light is the source of all life on earth, and is the foundational piece of the SolaraGem system.

Crystals and Gemstones…

Formed from the same minerals as found in our bodies, the crystalline structures developed over thousands of years transmit information that affects us at a core level.


Colors affect us at a deeply emotional level, as our existence is saturated in color.  

SolaraGem provides a fusion of elements that have been used in health and wellness for thousands of years. The result is a combination where the "whole is greater than the sum of the parts." No claims as to the fitness or efficacy for any medical condition are made. Please consult references and guides and research on the individual elements of light, gemstones, and colors to learn more.

SolaraGem falls in the category of "subtle" energy.  Low levels of light are used, and strobing is optional. Strobing can affect those with seizure related disorders. It's non-contacting, and doesn't require any touching of another person, so no special licensing is necessary to use it. 

SolaraGem is a hand built assembly of specially selected crystals, gemstones, and color filters. It is designed to attach to a popular camera light called the Lume Cube 2.0

The goal is to simulate sunlight passing through these crystal and color mixtures onto various parts of the body. 

This combination of SolarGem and Light is mounted on a standard camera stand or tripod to keep it in the desired position, allowing one to fully relax during the session. 

For more detail on this, visit the Overview page.

SolaraGem is currently available in twenty core gem mixtures.  (Contact us for additional options)

Amethyst  *  Rose Quartz  *  Emerald  *  Carnelian  *  Sapphire  *  Ruby  *  Citrine

Moonstone  *  Garnet  *  Turquoise  *  Topaz  *  Bloodstone  *  Malachite  *  Sleep Seven

Epidote  *  Sunstone  *  Aventurine  *  Labradorite  *  Peridot  *  Aquamarine