The brain is the most metabolic active tissue in the body and it uses over 20% of the oxygen we breathe. As we get older we become less efficient at metabolizing oxygen. Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber dissolves more oxygen into the bloodstream plasma and tissues of the body and increases the oxygen levels in the brain. When more oxygen is available it leads to the formation of new small blood vessels, enhances the immune system, decreases inflammation, optimizing cognitive function and stimulates stem cell regeneration. 

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (or HBOT) promotes Neuroplasticity by providing an optimal environment for neuronal growth, reorganization and repair. It also helps speed up the healing process by regenerating damaged tissue. 

At AwareHouse we use HBOT in combination with Micro Current Neurofeedback as a customized protocol curated by Steve Comer to potentiate metabolic clearance, the removal of waste products from brain cells. 

  • We consume about six pounds of oxygen every day, making it a vital nutrient that surpasses any other demands. Oxygen plays a primary role in energy production within our bodies. While fats and carbohydrates from our diet contribute to about 50% of our energy, it's the conversion of this stored energy into molecules of ATP by our cells that makes it usable. And guess what? Oxygen is an essential component in this process!

    HBOT chambers are an incredible advancement in delivering oxygen effectively to all tissues. By increasing the partial pressure of oxygen, these chambers allow for greater dissolution of oxygen into the plasma and other waterborne fluids within the body.

    The significance lies in the fact that water and gases dissolved within it can easily cross cell membranes through osmosis and diffusion. Since approximately 70% percent of the human body is made up of water, with every cell bathing in it, using HBOT chambers ensures that every tissue receives adequate oxygen supply.

    It's truly amazing how our bodies work hand-in-hand with technologies like HBOT chambers to ensure optimal delivery and utilization of oxygen. Once enough oxygen reaches our cells, they take charge by converting stored energy into usable ATP.

  • ~Deliver oxygen to tissues up to 25 times normal levels

    ~Stimulate the production of body stem cells

    ~Boost immune system functions

    ~Decrease swelling and inflammation

    ~Help the body to clear toxins and increase the body’s ability to fight infection

    ~Promote regeneration of injured tissues

    ~Reduce fatigue from chronic inadequate oxygen supply to the cells and tissues of the body

    ~Reduce jet lag related fatigue symptoms

    ~Decrease ligament and tissue healing time

    ~Successfully treat traumatic and ischemic brain injuries

  • Hyperbaric oxygen and other modalities improve the neuroplastic response, and the ability for the brain and central nervous system to reduce inflammation, heal, and regenerate.

    Certainly over the last handful of years, there's a ton of research to support the fact that the central nervous system can heal, it can regenerate, we can produce central nervous system stem cells, which can now trigger new growth and new connections within that brain and central nervous system tissue and hyperbaric oxygen plays a critical role in that entire process.

    The study shows, without a doubt, that hyperbaric oxygen therapy induces neuroplasticity and also has the capacity to wake up dormant tissue and start healing and regenerating brain and central nervous system cells, even up to at least three years post-stroke.

    Here's a link to the clinical trial also mentioned in the video below :