Steve has always had a dream of being a voice and influence for change and transformation in the world. His fascination with human behavior, human relationships and the dynamics of the mind have guided him in becoming an internationally sought after speaker, workshop leader, educator and consultant.

He has a very diverse education with a bachelors degree in Business management emphasizing in organizational behavior.  He also attended Chiropractic school focusing his studies in neuroscience, functional neurology and neuroanatomy, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Network Spinal Analysis, Neuro Emotional technique, Bio energetic synchronization technique and became certified as a hypnotherapist.

Internationally Steve became recognized for his capacity to inspire audiences and transform the way people look at and relate to their minds, their bodies, and their lives.  He has worked with performers, athletes and celebrities and facilitated hundreds of workshops and retreats.

In high demand Steve traveled intensely for seven years all around the world to teach people to change their relationship with their body and the subconscious mind until he co-founded Niagara Wellness Center in 2011 and the YOUniversity School of YOU in 2012, and AWAREHOUSE in 2022.

Bio & Education

Steve was born in 1974 in Utah USA. He grew up on Baseball fields. Since his early childhood years he was aware that he had an ability to communicate with his body and that enabled him to become a great athlete. He played professional Baseball in college team and worked as a personal trainer for years.

When his dad passed away in 1998 of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia something shifted inside him and his ideas of being a professional baseball player took a back seat to exploring the healing arts and the dynamics of transformation.

After graduating with his Business Degree from Dixie University in 2002, Steve customized his higher education studying at Parker Chiropractic College in Texas, Dallas College of Oriental Medicine and Southern California University of Health Sciences in Los Angeles.

Outside of his formal education Steve became certified as a Hypnotherapist and pursued his interests in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Neuro Anatomy, Bioenergetic Synchronization, Neuro Emotional Technique, Organizational Behavior. Steve has studied Buddhism, Taoism and Meditation for many years. Steve did an internship while in Chiropractic School with Dr. James Stone who was one of the pioneers in Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) and Somato Respiratory Integration (SRI) with Donald Epstein

In 2007 Steve became an international workshop leader teaching advanced workshops for Access Consciousness with the invitation of the founder Gary Douglas in Santa Barbara California.  Steve quickly began to be internationally recognized for his capacity to inspire audiences and transform the way people look at and relate to their bodies, their relationships and their lives. He also has participated in programs at the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Patagonia Arizona and Esalen Institute in Big Sur California. He has worked with performers, athletes and celebrities and facilitated hundreds of workshops and retreats in India, Australia, England, Ireland, Sweden, New Zealand, Spain, Italy, Norway, Denmark and Turkey exploring the connection between thought processes, belief systems, emotional patterns in relationship to physical health.

Steve has completed Dr. Daniel Amen’s Brain Health Training program exploring principles in neurobiology, practical neuroscience and behavioral neuroanatomy in 2019.

He proudly completed the Mindsight Institute's Comprehensive Mastery level program in Interpersonal PsychoNeuroBiology with Dr. Daniel J. Siegel in 2020.

He has been featured on many television programs including CNN and TNT and co-hosted the “Wake Up Call” a program on FOX news radio.

Steve has worked with many companies like Vodafone, Merck, Duracell, Young Presidents Organizations, EEVA in implementing a conscious company culture and organizational leadership as part of the YOUniversity Corporate Wellness Program.

Steve is a Corporate Consultant for NeuroChangeSolutions, a global network of corporate consultants personally trained by Dr. Joe Dispenza, New York Times best-selling author, lecturer, and researcher, to teach organizations and individuals how to apply the neuroscience of change to increase presence, engagement, collaboration, creativity, productivity to create new results.

Steve is a IASIS Micro Current Neurofeedback Provider since September 2022

He is the co-founder of Niagara Wellness Center, YOUniversity School of You, YOUniversity E-learning Platform and AwareHouse

Oz is a visionary and a space holder whose passion is bringing different elements together. She started her career as an Entrepreneur, co-founded and ran her conceptual design agency until she had her son. Her baby came to her with health challenges and also brought her the gift, her new devotion of Healing Sciences in 2002.   

Today she has an extensive background in teaching and practicing Energy Medicine, two decades of study and service in Vibrational Medicine, Bioenergetics, Holistic Nutrition, Functional Medicine and Somatic Modalities.

She is a kitchen lover and feels deeply connected to Mother Nature. Her Goddess Kitchen workshops helped a lot of women to step in to their feminine power using the alchemy of food. She is a quantum physics geek who is constantly seeking ways to bring energy medicine, ancient wisdom and resonance sciences together in her practice.

Her passion for creating space for healing and self-transformation led her bringing Niagara Wellness to fruition which became a hub for a lot of people who are in their healing journey  and also was the foundation of YOUniversity School of You and AwareHouse.

She connects with her clients in a way that allows them to feel nurtured and safe while exposing the roots of emotional, mental and physical imbalances that lead to dis-ease. In her practice she applies Functional Medicine Principles, Energy Psychology with Bio-Feedback and Vibrational Medicine to support resilience and wellbeing. She works with HeartMath Techniques for Trauma release, Stress Reduction and Self Regulation that facilitates personal transformation. 

Oz is a lifetime student.. She is inspired by listening to people’s stories.. she is devoted to guide her clients to connect their sacred heart space.

She is the co-founder of Niagara Wellness Center, Wellness Kitchen, YOUniversity School of You, YOUniversity E-learning Platform and AwareHouse

Bio & Education

“My vision and passion has always been about creating space for healing and self-transformation. In 2008 after I was certified by Paris Academy of Quantum Medicine ACMOS Method of Bioenergetics, I started my own practice and my center called JOY, that became a hub where I hosted many therapist and trainers from all over the world. I also got the chance of traveling and facilitating or co-facilitating classes in USA, Australia, New Zealand, Italy, Spain, Mallorca.  

As my background goes, I am certified in many different Complemantary & Energy Medicine modalities such as Brennan Healing Science, Bioenergetics, Transformational Breathing, Shamanic Healing, Art of Living, Aromatherapy etc. I studied Mindfulness and Meditation Techniques, Somatic Modalities, Family Constallation, Sufism, Sacred Geometry, Drunvalo Melchidezek’s work between years of 2005-2017. I studied Holistic Nutrition for many years. I completed my Raw Nutrition, Superfoods and Living Foods Certification with David Wolfe, attended and thought many Raw Culinary courses around the globe. (2010-2018) In 2012 I participated in Permaculture Training with Penny Livingston and I had the opportunity to visit and learn about growing your own food in the permaculture and biodynamic farms in South California and Hawaii. Then I got involved with the initiative, a community permaculture space called EcoMagic Garden in my motherland Turkey.  

In September 2011 I opened Niagara Wellness Center with my partners Sintia Mazon and Steve Comer which was a long time dream for us. Niagara became a pioneer in the country and served as the first Functional Medicine Hub. We were privileged to collaborate with many talented doctors and offered services like Genomic Coaching, Genetic Testings, Amino Acid Analysis, Holistic Psychiatry, Holistic Oncology and Oncology Genetics, Somatic Psychotherapy, Functional Lab Tests.  

I co-created a curriculum based on our client experiences, and modalities of expertise, YOUniversity School of YOU, and I have been teaching regularly on site and online classes since 2011. Also with our YOUniversity Corporate Wellness Program I help corporations like Vodafone, Young Presidents Organization and Google to create a Wellness and Stress Management Culture in the work spaces.

I have been passionately following the Functional Medicine movement for years and I completed my Functional Medicine Coaching Training with Functional Medicine Coaching Academy and Institute of Functional Medicine in 2018. The evolution of my work is practicing Complementary Medicine and healing sciences collaborated with Functional Medicine principles.

In 2019 I studied with HeartMath Institute. I am a certified HearthMath Clinical Practitioner and HeartMath Trauma Specialist. 

I am an advanced student of Dr. Joe Dispenza.

I am an IASIS Micro Current Neurofeedback Provider since September 2022