HeartMath Self Regulation Sessions with Oz


HeartMath® is a scientifically validated system of techniques and technologies that will help you transform your anxiety, strengthen your resilience and achieve maximum performance.

Even thought HeartMath’s techniques are very simple; they can be powerful & effective and can be used at any time; at work, in the car, in the cinema, at home, wherever you feel you might need them. Its ease of use makes HeartMath’s learning process an easy task.

I use innovative emWave® and Inner Balance™ feedback technologies that provide in real-time information about your emotional, mental and physical condition and help you develop self-regulation.

Using Heart Math Interventions I can work with you if you are:

Anxious? Under pressure? Angry? Disappointed? Sad? Depressed? Afraid? Alone? Worried?

To help you:

  • Overcome exhaustion and avoid overwork

  • Improve your relationships

  • Reduce stress and overload

  • Manage your anxiety, frustration or anger

  • Improve your well-being

  • Manage and adjust your feelings to increase your performance when you need it

Shift your mood in the moment


Changing Heart Rhythms — Changes Feelings
Science has now shown us that the rhythm of our heart beat affects how we think and feel.
Learn to shift your heart rhythm to increase your emotional composure and clear thinking.

Through HeartMath Coaching sessions you will learn how to instantly incorporate HeartMath tools and techniques into your everyday life and how to:

  • achieve and maintain a more comprehensive sense of well-being

  • increase your clarity and progressively feel better

  • improve your performance

  • improve your health and stamina

  • communicate better by creating more satisfying relationships

  • effectively reduce stress

Benefits of HeartMath


Studies conducted with over 11.500* people have shown improvements in mental and emotional well-being in just 6-9 weeks using HeartMath training and technology:

24% improvement in the ability to focus
30% improvement in sleep
38% improvement in calmness
46% drop in anxiety
48% drop in fatigue
56% drop in depression

What is HeartMath Institute

 HeartMath Institute is a non-profit educational & research organization founded by Doc Childre in California in 1991 with a vision to help people of all ages reconnect with their hearts, feel the balance and revitalization through stress reduction and learn to self-regulate their feelings.

At HeartMath Institute the 26 years of work and research of hundreds of doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, neuroscientists, has greatly contributed to the better understanding of the effects of anxiety and positive emotions on health, the interaction between the heart and the brain, and the intuitive intelligence of the heart. The Institute’s researches proved that the production of permanent positive emotions facilitates a holistic shift of the body into a specific condition which can be measured and evaluated scientifically. This condition is called heart coherence because it is characterized by an increased order and harmony both psychologically (mentally and emotionally) and physically. This has resulted in specific techniques and the creation of special monitoring devices that are proven to help both mental and physical health.

In over 50 countries, people practice HeartMath techniques and use its special devices in order to reduce stress, reconnect with their hearts and build resilience.

At HeartMath Institute we believe that everyone’s heart has wisdom and intelligence, which helps us move forward through adversities. By discovering the intelligence of our hearts, we discover ways to rebalance the challenges of everyday life.


Life has the challenges, Heart has the solutions!

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